sábado, 12 de abril de 2014


For the silence from the waters,
wishing to have you near
I'd move the Earth into the Sea,
you to become by blessing.
For the trill of the birds,
I'd pik you from among the stars
and I'd place you in thr world's palm,
to be caressed by the ancestors.
For myself I'd hold you,
in a longing tightenden up into an acorn
and I'd throw you into a foreign fire,
forgetting so what's a moan.
for you,man,muse,
I'd change myself into a tree,
beneath my shade for you to wait,
with a bird singing for you.
For us I'd sift the clouds,
as a rug I'd lay them down
to walk me down to the altar
as a gift giving to you my love.

Dida Diana Cioponea.

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